The Grafoscopia is an area of ​​the Documentscopy that lends itself to the examination in writings, with the purpose of determining, from the comparison between them, if were produced at least individual. The Grafoscopy is the area of ​​the most requested Documents, since from the Grafoscopy exam it is possible to determine the authenticity and graphic authorship of a signature and written in general, as well as, documentary fraud.

                     The Documentoscopia is the set of specialized knowledge and resources of a technical-scientific nature whose purpose is to research, study and interpret falsehoods and changes of documents that may be of interest to the clarification and proof of de facto issues, in the service of justice , both in the criminal and civil courts.

areas of expertise

- Graphical expertise in legal proceedings, assisting the Judge in corroborating with justice;

- Technical assistance in legal proceedings for the purpose of monitoring expert work and providing due support to the contracting party;

- Extrajudicial works, elaborating technical opinions with the purpose of investigating fraud in restatement, documentary, internal audits, among others.


Provide a service that values ​​for objectivity and celerity, bringing security, transparency, ethics, respect and competence in judicial and extrajudicial demands.